About Settlement Data Viewer Settlement Statement Viewer Demo

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Settlement Data Viewer

Visualize and analyze your settlement statement billing determinants with our unique and scalable solution. This application is ideal for customers seeking to analyze settlement statement data in an optimized and customizable view. The solution consists of two components:

  • Import engine: Our proprietary engine is built for importing all the data contained on the settlement statement. Data can be imported into any relational database platform (SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostGre, etc.). Its unique data design allows users to develop their own queries and reports from the source data.
  • Reporting Tool: The reporting application (shown in the demo) is built on Microsoft's Power BI platform. Allowing users to easily view the financial performance of the assets within the energy market in which they participate. All the data can be trended over time and exported to Excel for further analysis. There are five (5) components to the reporting tool:
       -Dashboard: A high level overview of your company's market revenues and expenses. (Page 1)
       -Statement Values: Allows users to query and view specific settlement statement values over a designated period of time and location. (Page 2)
       -Asset Settlement: Provides users the ability to look at assets' market settlement and performance over a defined period of time. (Page 3)
       -Financial Scheduler: View the settlement and performance of your company's bilateral transactions. (Page 4)
       -Settlement Determinants: Summary and description of each settlement statement determinant. (Page 5)
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