MISO Data Viewer
Publically available MISO data is imported two times daily. The following data is currently being imported:
Day-Ahead LMPs
Real-Time LMPs (final)
Real-Time LMPs (preliminary)
MISO Day-Ahead Binding Constraints
MISO Real-Time Binding Constraints
MISO Load Forecast and Actual Load
MISO Look Ahead Report
MISO Wind Forecast
There are five (5) reports available for viewing the information:
LMP Comparison: View historical Day-Ahead and Real-Time LMPs for a multiple locations and trend the pricing
and DART spread. (Page 1)
LMP Node: View historical Day-Ahead and Real-Time LMPs for a selected node and trend the pricing and DART spread. (Page 2)
Congestion: View historical Day-Ahead and Real-Time binding constraints and the hourly shadow price. (Page 3)
Load & Wind: View historical load by region along with the total amount of wind generation that occurred in the MISO footprint. (Page 4)
Look Ahead: View the 7-day forecasted load by region and the total amount of planned generator outages for the period selected. There are several revisions published and revision 7 will be the latest forecast. (Page 5)
Maintenance Margin: View the most recent published MISO regional maintenance margin and planned generation outages by day.
This data is directly imported from the MISO OASIS page on a daily basis. (Page 6)
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